"Accessing the Earth" by Diariétou Gueye, Original Multimedia Painting, African Art, Original African Art, African Wall Decor, Africa Home Decor
This painting is by Diariétou Gueye, a contemporary artist based in Senegal.
“Art soothes my pain and dispels my worries and fears”
Born in Bargny, a coastal fishing town near Dakar, Diariétou Gueye caught the painting bug in her early childhood. Like any teenager, she expressed her sorrows and her joys through painting. She enrolled in the National School of Arts in Dakar. Since then, she has participated in the Biennale in Dakar and collaborated with foreign partners in the framework of “Art and Health” to fight against pandemics.
Her themes revolve around women and African beauty, particularly Senegalese, in order to enhance the culture of its people. She is also fascinated by the fashion of cloth: dyeing, weaving, beading and wax.
Beyond her talents as an artist, Diariétou is active in the community. Disabled from polio, she works against its eradication, as well as for the rights of other disabled people who must often engage in begging or prostitution. She also promotes education for girls, especially those who are physically disabled.
The paintings are 39x25". Multimedia with fabric, collage, and acrylic on canvas.